Markets of the future

How should regulation adapt?

As markets change, regulators have to decide whether and how to intervene.

Firm slap or gentle nudge?

There is great excitement about the potential in blockchain and Big Data, from their use in retail to huge tech companies and the energy market. Regulation is going to need a firm hand in some areas, and a lighter one in others. Computer algorithms might learn to collude , and competition and privacy are going head to head. How will regulators act in open banking , or towards the ubiquitous tech giants?

Whither the consumer?

Does the customer need protection with these issues, or will the market see to their welfare through competition? From AI supplanting human labour to better choice in public services; from greener heating and electricity to telecoms and the Internet of Things, the interests of the consumer are being challenged and aided in new markets everywhere. How should regulators act and can these new technologies help them?

Martin Duckworth.jpg
A crucial policy question is the degree to which regulation may affect outputs by changing investment incentives
Martin Duckworth
Associate Director, Communications
While competitive mechanisms may shake things up in almost any public service, they do not always yield the best outcomes
Matthew Bell
Director, Public Policy
Barely a quarter of senior business leaders were aware that Open Banking was going live
Antti Lemberg
Associate Director, Strategy
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We need to make fundamental changes to the ways we heat our homes if EU emissions targets are to be met
Matthias Janssen
Manger, Energy

In numbers


Of banks experimenting with permissioned blockchains.


million jobs

Robots could take this many jobs. But how many will they add?



Run entirely on renewables by 2050? The markets will need some incentives.

Team Thoughts

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