A new paper by Frontier (Europe), forthcoming in the academic journal Telecommunications Policy, has today been published online. The study, co-authored by Tom Ovington, Juana Santamaría and Luigi Stammati from Frontier and Professor Ron Smith of Birkbeck, University of London, examines how inter-platform and intra-platform competition influence the take-up of broadband in Europe. Telecommunications Policy is a leading international journal focused on theoretical and empirical analysis of the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector.
The paper finds that both inter-platform (where entrants set up alternative networks) and intra-platform (where entrants rely on access to an incumbent’s network) competition have enhanced broadband penetration. The authors also find evidence of a ‘crowding out’ effect between these two different forms of competition: intra-platform competition is less effective in enhancing broadband penetration in areas where alternative networks already have a significant share of broadband lines.
Frontier (Europe) regularly advises clients on issues to do with competition and regulation in the telecommunications sector.
For more information, please contact Julia Caldano on julia.caldano@frontier-economics.com, or call +34 91 343 2370.