Frontier analysis highlights contribution of publishing industry to the UK economy

New analysis by Frontier explores the contribution of publishing industry to the UK economy. The report, commissioned by the Publishers Association and released today, finds that the publishing sector contributes £3.2 billion of gross value added (GVA) directly to the economy, and employs 29,000 people. These figures could be doubled once indirect economic contributions through sectors that support publishing (such as printing and bookselling) and wider economy-wide ripple effects are accounted for.

The report also highlights the export success story of the UK publishing industry. The UK is the largest global exporter of physical books with a 17% share of the world total. Total exports from the publishing industry were worth £2.9 billion in 2016, including £1.1 billion from journal sales. Publishing is also extremely productive, with GVA per worker in excess of £112,000 per year compared with an economy-wide average of £49,100.

Publishing in the report is defined as books (including educational and consumer books) and academic journals. The Publishers Association represents book and journal publishers in the UK.

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