Frontier experts ranked in Who’s Who legal 2019

We’re delighted to announce Frontier directors, Phil Burns and Mike Huggins have been listed in the Who’s Who Legal (WWL) 2019 rankings as ‘Global Elite Thought Leaders’ for their knowledge and expertise as economists working in the energy sector.

One source used by WWL in their research process highlights that Phil is very good at constructively gaining information from clients, challenging accepted thinking and devising strategy for dealing with Ofgem and the CMA’.

Mike Huggins ‘is clearly an expert practitioner at the top of his game. His ability to take complex economics, and turn it into easy-to-understand points that strike home; that sets him apart’ notes another source used by WWL. [1]

Frontier was named as a leading firm and a number of other Frontier directors and managers were mentioned for their skills and industry knowledge, including: Dan Roberts, Wynne Jones, Christoph Riechmann, Damien O'Flaherty, Sarah Deasley, Matt Roberts and Fernando Barrera.

WWL conducts extensive research to find leading firms and individuals around the world, identifying lawyers, consultants, economists and expert witnesses for who are at the top of their field. To read the Energy 2019 research report from WWL in detail, click here. See the full list of Frontier experts here


[1] Source: WWL Energy 2019