What do we know about the data assurance market in the UK?

Frontier Economics and glass.ai were recently commissioned by the Open Data Institute (ODI) to conduct a review of the UK data assurance market.

Data assurance services are about building confidence in data and the processes that support creation, storage and usage of that data. Relatively little is currently know about the size and characteristics of the firms who offer these types of services to other businesses.

We gathered a unique dataset based on an innovative web-crawling approach which covered over 2 million UK businesses’ own description of their services.

Our work produced four key insights:

  • There is a considerable amount of economic activity in the data assurance space in the UK. Employment in firms offering data assurance firms is spread across a wide number of firms of different sizes
  • The majority of firms we identified who provide data assurance services were incorporated in the last 10 years.
  • In keeping with other emerging sectors, it is hard to identify a specific data assurance market. Data assurance activities may in several cases have become part of the offer of firms active across different traditional sectors.
  • A range of data assurance products and services are available. These offerings may be aimed at different types of users with different needs.

To find out more about the research you can download the full report here.

For further information please contact media@frontier-economics.com or call +44 (0) 20 7031 7000.