Bridging business and climate change solutions

Matthew Bell, Frontier Director of Public Policy, spoke at the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce’s inaugural 2022 lunchtime seminar.

Matthew has been working with businesses and the government in Guernsey for 15 years helping to develop the island’s economy in areas ranging from skills and education to infrastructure and trade.

During the seminar he drew on his experience to focus on the links between business and climate change. Matthew observed the many different ways in which firms are addressing changing consumer, employee, owner and regulatory preferences to plot their own paths to success. He set out the three pillars of successful business consideration to tackle climate issues:

Developing a plan

  • Who to consult?
  • What to target and by how much?
  • How to get there?

Performance monitoring

  • Internal vs external approaches to monitor progress
  • What to monitor?
  • How to report?

Methods to find solutions

  • Where to start to look at options for reducing emission?
  • How to implement the chosen options?

Answers to those questions will allow each business to find its path to navigating the increasing focus on environmental issues.

You can watch the seminar here.

For more information, please contact us on or at  +44 (0) 20 7031 7000.