Mike Webb, founding director, passes away

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of a friend, colleague and one of our founding directors, Mike Webb, after a long illness. 

Prior to founding Frontier, Mike worked with many of us at London Economics, and before that he was a Principal Economist at the World Bank. He began his career as an academic, and he had a distinguished career spanning over twenty years at the Universities of Leicester, York and Oxford, where he published widely and became recognised as one of the UK’s foremost public enterprise economists. As a consultant he was a recognised authority on the regulatory and market reforms that were sweeping the world in the 1990s, and worked on many landmark reform programmes over that period.  His work and approach to that work inspired many of us who are working today at Frontier and around the world.

Mike retired from Frontier in 2003 due to ill health, but he continued to retain a strong link with the firm by attending Christmas and Summer parties with his wife Veronica and of course by hosting the Mike Webb Golf Classic, which has become an annual fixture in the Frontier sporting diary.

Those of us who knew him will remember his great personal warmth, and mischievous sense of humour. His many missions across the world – from Latin America, to Africa, the Indian subcontinent and the Far East – were unforgettable experiences for those of us who accompanied him. As a Director he brought much needed wisdom, pragmatism and experience to the firm. He will be much missed by us all.