Investing in infrastructure

When, where and how to invest for the best outcomes.

Progressively interdependent infrastructure systems

Choosing where and when to invest for the future is becoming increasingly complex, with extreme weather events, linked to climate change, occurring more frequently and testing infrastructure to the limits. Public investment could become stronger than ever if policymakers bear these wider considerations in mind.

Improving regulatory frameworks to spur infrastructure investment

A long-term strategic vision must be built into the regulatory approach. Coherence is needed across objectives to improve resilience and effectiveness of regulators. There needs to be clear accountability for regulatory decisions and well-targeted use of competition to deliver effective infrastructure investment.

Team thoughts

Claire Thornhill 2019.jpg
Market failures, policy uncertainty and regulatory barriers have the potential to keep the expansion of public charge point infrastructure below its socially optimal level.
Claire Thornhill
Matt Roberts 2019.jpg
Caution must also be exercised - changes to regulatory arrangements can often create distortions and unintended consequences.
Matt Roberts
Associate Director
Laura Petschnig.jpg
Public investment in everything from energy grids to telecoms networks is essential to the performance of the economy. Yet choosing where and when to invest for the future is becoming more complex.
Laura Petschnig

In numbers


rise in EV market share


is needed to combat floods and droughts


the value of the UK food industry

Team Thoughts

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